Positron interactions with nitrogen and oxygen molecules: elastic, inelastic and total cross sections

2019-12-23T20:19:00+01:00Tags: , , |

Authors: Ellis-Gibbings, Lilian; Blanco, Francisco; Garcia, Gustavo Contribution: Article Journal: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D Publication date: 2019/12/23 DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2019-100459-x Abstract: Positron scattering cross sections, used for modelling particle transport in various media, are difficult to gather experimentally. As such, various cross section calculation methods have been developed to varying accuracy. The IAM-SCAR+I method has been improved [...]

IFF-CSIC: Convocadas plazas de investigador (plazo cerrado)


Se ofertan 2 plazas de Científico Titular con destino al IFF-CSIC: TECNOLOGÍAS CUÁNTICAS, INFORMACIÓN Y COMPUTACIÓN CUÁNTICA (tribunal número 97) ASTROFÍSICA MOLECULAR (tribunal número 104) Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 20 días hábiles a partir del día siguiente al 04/12/2019. Enlace a la información completa de la convocatoria Por otro lado, se oferta una plaza [...]

Dynamics of H + HeH+(v=0, j=0) -> H-2(+) + He: Insight on the Possible Complex-Forming Behavior of the Reaction

2019-12-12T20:19:00+01:00Tags: , , , |

Authors: Gonzalez-Lezana, Tomas; Bossion, Duncan; Scribano, Yohann; Bhowmick, Somnath; Suleimanov, Yury, V Contribution: Article Journal: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A Publication date: 2019/12/12 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b06122 Abstract: The H + HeH+ -> He + H-2(+) reaction has been studied by means of a combination of theoretical approaches: a statistical quantum method (SQM), ring polymer molecular dynamics (RPMD), [...]

Charge Carrier Injection Electroluminescence with CO-Functionalized Tips on Single Molecular Emitters

2019-12-01T20:19:00+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

Authors: Dolezal, Jiri; Merino, Pablo; Redondo, Jesus; Ondic, Lukas; Cahlik, Ales; Svec, Martin Contribution: Article Journal: NANO LETTERS Publication date: 2019/12/01 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03180 Abstract: We investigate electroluminescence of single molecular emitters on NaCl on Ag(111) and Au(111) with submolecular resolution in a low-temperature scanning probe microscope with tunneling current, atomic force, and light detection capabilities. The [...]

Interaction of photoionisation and meteoric input in the atmosphere of Jupiter

2019-12-01T20:19:00+01:00Tags: , , |

Authors: Campbell, Laurence; Jones, Darryl B.; White, Ronald D.; Garcia, Gustavo; Ingolfsson, Oddur; Lopes, M. Cristina A.; Brunger, Michael J. Contribution: Article Journal: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D Publication date: 2019/12/01 DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2019-100466-y Abstract: Interplanetary dust grains and meteoroids are assumed to deliver oxygen to the atmosphere of Jupiter. A current photochemical model overestimates the resultant density [...]

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