About Marcelo Castellanos

Marcelo Castellanos desempeña su actividad en la Unidad de Gerencia del Instituto de Física Fundamental del CSIC. Ha sido profesor ayudante en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y defendió su tesis doctoral en la UAM en el campo de la Astrofísica Extragaláctica. En el mismo campo, ha realizado investigación postdoctoral en el CNRS. Tiene experiencia en el sector privado y desde 2006 ha sido facilitador/”doer”/burócrata/gestor en 3 grandes proyectos de investigación en Astrofísica Molecular, Física Química y Nanociencia (ASTROCAM - Ref.: S-.0505/ESP/000237 entre 2006 y 2009; Consolider-Ingenio ASTROMOL - Ref.: CSD2009-00038 entre 2009 y 2016 y ERC Synergy Grant NANOCOSMOS - Ref.: GA 610256 entre 2014 y 2021)

Mini-Simposium IFF #5/2024 – 10/07/2024

2024-07-05T13:29:54+02:00Tags: , , , , , , , |

El próximo miércoles 10 de julio de 2024, a partir de las 15h30 en la Sala de juntas del edificio 113-bis, tendremos un mini-simposium especial del IFF que contará con la presencia de 3 investigadores invitados de excepción: "The determination of the neutrino mass: KATRIN and Project 8 experiments" (Dr. Felix Spanier, Center of [...]

Seminario IFF #4/2024 – Prof. Stefan Vogt-Geisse (03/06/2024)

2024-05-31T13:18:38+02:00Tags: , , , |

Anunciamos el cuarto seminario IFF de 2024 que será impartido por el investigador Prof. Stefan Vogt-Geisse (Departamento de Físico-Química, Universidad de Concepción, Chile). El título de la charla es: "Combining ab-initio Grain-Ice Models for Efficient Computation of Accurate Binding Energies on Amorphous Solid Water: New Results from the Binding Energy Evaluation Platform". Si queréis [...]

Seminario IFF #2/2024 – Dra. Beatriz Gato Rivera (30/04/2024)

2024-04-17T15:26:35+02:00Tags: , , , |

Anunciamos el segundo seminario IFF de 2024 que será impartido por nuestra compañera Beatriz Gato Rivera. El título de la charla es: "Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Antimatter: The Exotic and Mysterious Side of the Universe". Nuestra compañera nos contará qué son, cómo se "descubrieron" y cuáles son las principales características de las exóticas [...]

AutoQML: Automatic generation and training of robust quantum-inspired classifiers by using evolutionary algorithms on grayscale images

2024-03-27T14:34:38+01:00Tags: , , |

Authors: Altares-Lopez, Sergio; Garcia-Ripoll, Juan Jose; Ribeiro, Angela Journal: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Publication date: 2024/03/25 DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.122984 Abstract: A new hybrid system is proposed for automatically generating and training quantum-inspired classifiers on grayscale images by using multiobjective genetic algorithms. It is defined a dynamic fitness function to obtain the smallest circuit complexity and highest [...]

Seminario IFF #1/2024 – Prof. Massimo Mella (22/03/2024)

2024-03-18T13:06:15+01:00Tags: , , , , |

¡Bienvenidos a un nuevo ciclo de seminarios del IFF en 2024! El primer seminario IFF será impartido por el profesor Massimo Mella, del Dipartimento di Scienza ed Alta Tecnologia, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria (Como, Italia). Su charla lleva por título "From isolated gas-phase hydrogen molecules to selective adsorption for isotopic separation" o cómo se [...]

Exploring Quantum Annealing Architectures: A Spin Glass Perspective

2024-03-27T14:34:55+01:00Tags: |

Authors: Jauma, Gabriel; Garcia-Ripoll, Juan Jose; Pino, Manuel Journal: ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES Publication date: 2024/03/14 DOI: 10.1002/qute.202300245 Abstract: This work analyzes the spin-glass transition across various Ising models relevant to quantum annealers. By employing the parallel tempering method, the location of the spin-glass phase transition is extrapolated from the pseudo-critical temperature of finite-sized systems. The [...]

Experimental and theoretical assessment of the enhanced hydrogen adsorption on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons upon decoration with alkali metals

2024-03-27T14:34:54+01:00Tags: , |

Authors: Reider, Anna Maria; Kollotzek, Siegfried; Scheier, Paul; Calvo, Florent; Yurtsever, Ersin; Pirani, Fernando; Bartolomei, Massimiliano; Hernandez, Marta I.; Gonzalez-Lezana, Tomas; Campos-Martinez, Jose Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY Publication date: 2024/03/08 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.01.244 Abstract: Hydrogen storage by physisorption on carbon-based materials is limited by comparatively low adsorption energies. However, decoration of the carbon substrate [...]

Deconvolution of JWST/MIRI Images: Applications to an Active Galactic Nucleus Model and GATOS Observations of NGC 5728

2024-03-27T14:34:53+01:00Tags: |

Authors: Leist, M. T.; Packham, C.; Rosario, D. J. V.; Hope, D. A.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Hicks, E. K. S.; Hoenig, S.; Zhang, L.; Davies, R.; Diaz-Santos, T.; Gonzalez-Martin, O.; Bellocchi, E.; Boorman, P. G.; Combes, F.; Garcia-Bernete, I.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Garcia-Lorenzo, B.; Haidar, H.; Ichikawa, K.; Imanishi, M.; Jefferies, S. M.; Labiano, A.; Levenson, N. [...]

Directional spontaneous emission in photonic crystal slabs

2024-03-27T14:34:49+01:00Tags: , , |

Authors: Navarro-Baron, Erik P.; Vinck-Posada, Herbert; Gonzalez-Tudela, Alejandro Journal: NANOPHOTONICS Publication date: 2024/02/25 DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2023-0843 Abstract: Spontaneous emission is one of the most fundamental out-of-equilibrium processes in which an excited quantum emitter relaxes to the ground state due to quantum fluctuations. In this process, a photon is emitted that can interact with other nearby emitters [...]

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