Certification of a non-projective qudit measurement using multiport beamsplitters

2023-02-21T13:36:05+01:00Tags: , |

Authors: Martinez, Daniel; Gomez, Esteban S.; Carine, Jaime; Pereira, Luciano; Delgado, Aldo; Walborn, Stephen P.; Tavakoli, Armin; Lima, Gustavo Journal: NATURE PHYSICS Publication date: 2022/12/31 DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01845-z Abstract: The most common form of measurement in quantum mechanics projects a wavefunction onto orthogonal states that correspond to definite outcomes. However, generalized quantum measurements that do not [...]

Optical isolators based on nonreciprocal four-wave mixing

2023-02-21T13:39:30+01:00Tags: , , |

Authors: Muñoz de las Heras, A.; Carusotto, I. Journal: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Publication date: 2022/12/29 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.106.063523 Abstract: In this work we propose and theoretically characterize optical isolators consisting of an all-dielectric and nonmagnetic resonator featuring an intensity-dependent refractive index and a strong coherent field propagating in a single direction. Such devices can be straightforwardly [...]

Tailored ion beam for precise colour centre creation

2023-02-21T13:36:10+01:00Tags: |

Authors: Tobalina, A.; Munuera-Javaloy, C.; Torrontegui, E.; Muga, J. G.; Casanova, J. Journal: PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES Publication date: 2022/12/26 DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2021.0271 Abstract: We present an invariant-based quantum control scheme leading to a highly monochromatic ion beam from a Paul trap. Our protocol is implementable by supplying the [...]

El IFF os desea Felices Fiestas!

2022-12-23T12:47:39+01:00Tags: |

Nos despedimos del 2022 con este último post. Ha sido un año lleno de logros para el personal del IFF. Varios compañeros han sido galardonados con importantes premios (José Cernicharo con el Premio Nacional de Investigación "Blas Cabrera", Alejandro González Tudela y Beatriz Gato con los premios a la Mejor Contribución de Divulgación en las [...]

Molecular hydrogen isotope separation by a graphdiyne membrane: a quantum-mechanical study

2022-12-22T11:28:02+01:00Tags: , , , |

Authors: Garcia-Arroyo, Esther; Campos-Martinez, Jose; Bartolomei, Massimiliano; Pirani, Fernando; Hernandez, Marta I. Journal: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Publication date: 2022/07/06 DOI: 10.1039/d2cp01044e Abstract: Graphdiyne (GDY) has emerged as a very promising two-dimensional (2D) membrane for gas separation technologies. One of the most challenging goals is the separation of deuterium (D-2) and tritium (T-2) from a [...]

QUANTUM COMPUTING Optimal simulation of quantum dynamics

2022-12-22T11:25:52+01:00Tags: , |

Authors: Tagliacozzo, Luca Journal: NATURE PHYSICS Publication date: 2022/08/08 DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01696-8 Abstract: Tensor networks are mathematical structures that efficiently compress the data required to describe quantum systems. An algorithm for the optimal simulation of quantum dynamics based on tensor networks has now been implemented on a trapped-ion processor.

The role of highly vibrationally excited H-2 initiating the nitrogen chemistry Quantum study and 3 sigma – detection of NH emission in the Orion Bar PDR

2022-12-22T11:21:50+01:00Tags: |

Authors: Goicoechea, Javier R.; Roncero, Octavio Journal: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS Publication date: 2022/08/31 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243884 Abstract: The formation of hydrides by gas-phase reactions between H-2 and a heavy element atom is a very selective process. Reactions with ground-state neutral carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur atoms are very endoergic and have high energy barriers because the [...]

Helium nanodroplets as an efficient tool to investigate hydrogen attachment to alkali cations

2023-02-21T13:36:08+01:00Tags: , , , |

Authors: Kollotzek, Siegfried; Campos-Martinez, Jose; Bartolomei, Massimiliano; Pirani, Fernando; Tiefenthaler, Lukas; Hernandez, Marta, I; Lazaro, Teresa; Zunzunegui-Bru, Eva; Gonzalez-Lezana, Tomas; Breton, Jose; Hernandez-Rojas, Javier; Echt, Olof; Scheier, Paul Journal: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Publication date: 2022/12/21 DOI: 10.1039/d2cp03841b Abstract: We report a novel method to reversibly attach and detach hydrogen molecules to positively charged sodium [...]

El IFF participa en el análisis exhaustivo de la nebulosa planetaria NGC 3132 con el JWST

2022-12-16T15:28:46+01:00Tags: , , , , , , |

Nuestro compañero en el IFF, Dr. Guillermo Quintana-Lacaci (ASTROMOL) ha participado, junto a otros 70 investigadores a nivel mundial, en desentrañar cómo pudo formarse la nebulosa planetaria NGC 3132 (Nebulosa del Anillo del Sur, en la imagen) a partir del análisis de las espectaculares imágenes del Telescopio Espacial James Webb (JWST, NASA). La investigación ha [...]

A statistical investigation of the rate constants for the H+ + HD reaction at temperatures of astrophysical interest

2023-02-21T13:36:06+01:00Tags: , , , |

Authors: Gonzalez-Lezana, Tomas; Hily-Blant, Pierre; Faure, Alexandre Journal: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Publication date: 2022/12/07 DOI: 10.1063/5.0128598 Abstract: The H+ + HD(v, j) reaction has been investigated in detail by means of a statistical quantum method. State-to-state cross sections and rate constants for transitions between reactants and rovibrational states HD(v', j') of the product arrangement [...]

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